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Compliments... err.. i mean

Ladies and gentlemen.. my foray into blogging..

hmmm..its been a loooooong break.. im back to writing nonsense again.. just that im trying to rediscover my old self..was reading all the stuff that i had written earlier.. and realised im not that bad..

if people can pass off as excellent script and story writers with movies like 'kaal' and 'murder' then i too am a great writer...... :) am still searching for a topic while i am writing, someone suggest one wait.. lemme think...

i think i'll write about the art of giving compliments.... wow, the word itslef sounds great.... especially if u hardly recieve them... it is that much more coveted. Just imagine someone coming up to you and saying.. "wow ur looking terrific today"it certainly makes you feel good

but there are some people...... u give them compliments and they are like.. "hmm ya.. tell me something new..".. u'd rather not give them any compliments.Well the whole point im trying to prove is that im really struggling to write a blog.

Anyways.. most people think twice,thrice or many many times and rehearse it in their minds before they give compliments. That shudn't be the case. Imagine a scenario.. you see one of your class mates.. u r trying to impress her by saying she looks good although she is wearing the same dress for the 3rd time in the week... u take 10 mins of time to rehearse the dialogue.. "hi... u r looking really ??? today" and then u think should i say cute, or sweet, or great or beautiful... but remember one thing.... never say hot!!

hmm.. so where was i.. yeah.. by the time u think of all this and walk hesitantly towards her..suppose some truck comes and splashes mud on her dress...... then alas.. all ur effort is gone waste.. or probably u can still go ahead and say "u r looking cute now..!!" rest assured.. u will not be that popular with her.. :)

i some how feel i m treading a dangerous path and feel like i am giving a lecture on how to impress gals... well that is not the objective of this excercise..
ok.. so whats so nice about compliments?? the best thing about them is that you will feel better after you give one.. and even the person who gets it will be happy.. atleast in most of the cases.. unless u say .. " u look like ur cute dog... " and stuff.

so it is a win win situation. Never think twice before u give a compliment.... either u give it... or dont... (i am not a fan of lycra by the way. ) .. ya wat i was saying is that either you give it confidently at one go... or you dont.. the basic point is that a compliment is best recieved when ppl are not expectingit ... that it should be a pleasant surprise...... but not a very big surprise also... u just cant give ppl compliments like " u have a laughing smile"," ur smiling is nice" ... ppl dont mind not getting compliments.. but they hate it when u say something that might mean something else.. or sometimes.. mean nothing..

some people give compliments just because they have to.. it is a compulsive thing...and you can make it out easily... something like.. they'll say "wow nice dress".. and in their mind they will be thinking "koti ka maal hain... cheap quality.. will not last long.." they'll say.. "hey cool hair style.". and theyll think "what happened to him.. ?? he was ok till yesterday! "
well if you are thinking all these are my personal experiences.. then you are wrong... but now i think they really could have been my experiences.... hmmm..

so the bottom line is that... compliments are geat if they are spontaneous and they make ppl feel really really good.... believe me... the next time u see someone really pretty,really nice.. even if u dont know them.. just go and tell them what you feel..... depending on their reaction i will decide whether to write another blog of this sort or not.... !!


Praveena said…
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Praveena said…
nice way of writing ANUPsense.. :P.. u know i mean it.. n its a COMPLIMENT.. :)

now u better start giving me compliments..:P :D

seriously a nice start dude.welcome to the bloging world.:)
freak-y said…
u gots some good writing skills man :D but yeah it did seem tht u were thinking about the girls a lot ;). be it ur personal experience or not , they are true and good in the way u put em.
rohini said…
hmm..firtsly i guess i can't land here dat often...
y?? coz mah brainz nd me r inseparable..:P

comin to the post..
A fundoo gibberish 'bout compliments mus say!!
U actually excel in the art of churning sense outta nonsense !! (is dat a compliment?
Trust me!!! it is!)

Buh u din mention the pun intended sorta compliments...

mah two cents...

Hez Dark nd Handsome!!
(wen its dark ,hez handsome)

She has evrything a man would desire, including heft,bulgin muscles nd a mouch!

She has looong black hair and wears long gloves to cover it..Muhahaha!!:P

Nd wen is the nxt post coming??
rohini said…
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rohini said…
Y don ppl spam in mah comment box?? *sob* *sob*
lainfla said…
For someone who is able to so honestly bare themselves in a blog. You have mastered the first step of becoming a great writer... Truth in a compliment is cherished above all. If there are none you receive from those around you let the above be the first of truthful encouragement. Encouragment being the real product of a compliment. Just my oppinion.
Anonymous said…
I love! Here I always find a lot of helpful information for myself. Thanks you for your work.
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