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The Nickname repeller..

do you u have one..?? you are pretty unlucky if you dont have one..well, having a nickname is something not everyone boasts of... and this time i am trying to ponder why i never ever had a nick name throughout my schooling and engineering...that is.. the nickname i know of, and not what ppl who dint like me said behind my back :)

lemme give you a small example, take a simple conversation..
A: hey dude, what are you doin for 31st nite ??
B: i guess i will have a blast with bigshow,goli,ragz,vp and itom

well howz that compared to ..

B: i guess i will have a blast with karthik,ramakrishna,raghavendra,pavan and swathi..!!??
the first answer sounded much better ain't it.?

There is something special that the nickname brings to one's personality that the name doesn't..!(lotta crap) and after you get a nick name, you just give up ur real name and i know scores of people who just know the nick names and not the original names of ppl..! thats the kind of affect the it has.

One simple rule, the name that ur parents used to call you when u were young doesn't count as a nick name.. unless your friends still call you the same name till date and you are popular by that name..! chinnu,chotu,pappu,raja,kutti,kutta,babloo,abloo,are straight out of the big book of nicknames for babies... u gotta have something that u earned by virtue of ur deeds or ur oh so long name..:)

You get an identity with your nickname.. u become popular with that nick name.. or that nick name makes you popular.. involuntarily ppl start calling u that... and even if you dislike it, the feeling later sinks in and you wudn't mind ppl calling you 'bakri' or 'bhare'.. :)

in my case, having a four lettered name proved a bane, as even an acronym was not possible . Many ppl get a nick name cos their name is too long and ppl break it and bang.. youhave a nick name.!!.If you have a weird sounding or a catchy surname, that helps too... u get a nick name through that.. i failed on that front too and the biggest irony i think is the fact that i coined nick names for so many of my friends and i never got christened ... was i not nick name worthy..?? (and the oscar goes to...)

well all this fuss about not having a nick name might sound a bit exxagerated and unreal,but the bottom line is.. having a nick name is cool.. even if it is a weird one like condom..!! i know someone by that nick name by the way.. :)

in sport,in entertainment,in politics... every where ppl are famous with their nick names,and if javagal srinath can have a nick name called 'mysore express' then i guessanyone can have it..!! one fine day.. god said let there be nick names and then adam was referred to as 'the apple guy'.. :) (some might argue it is better suited to steve jobs though)

so all you lucky ppl out there with nick names.. bask in the glory while u have it...and for me.. it will always be one of my biggest regrets in life...


Praveena said…
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Praveena said…
looks like nandini is too very interested in your blog..

anywaz.. i do admire ur ability to write those many words on just not having a nic name...!! not many can do it ..

keep going dude.. u will do it one day.. :)
kri8hna said…
- anni nee nicknames( donno how famous u r by those, but hell yea, they are your nicknames) :P
kri8hna said…
praveena, veediki ink nick name undi kada ... entadi? some "kks" tho end avtundi ... entadi? "waste fello" nick name leda?? ye ledaaa?? :P ekkuvaindi .. nenu musukunta!
kri8hna said…
bud, don't mind this ...

Dear Ms. Nandini,

Shut up and mind your business. I don't see a friggin post on your blog. It doesn't even matter if your turn out to be J.K Rowling and you are trying to help someone here, but being anonymous and acting this rude to a new comer is the lamest thing to do. Btw, congrats on the "lifetime loser" of the year award.
kri8hna said…
@swathi- hehee! thats the thing in our world ... we talk more of the bad than the good
rohini said…
firstly i promise , i won't talk a shit 'bout Nandu da ;)
secondly thnx to al yer frenz for lettin us know yer Funderful nicks!!
kukks is the best by the way *wink* *wink*..

buh frankly speakin i alwayz thot yer third name ws weirdo nd yer fourth..fifth..hmm..never mind!!...

by the wayz u even like to be called AnOOp rite??? :P

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