MH 199 KUL - MEL got into a bigger flight this time as it was a 7.5 hrs journey. It was a boeing 777 thistime , but the seating looked similar to the 737 one. But this one had a TV set behind each seat.. so i could watch what i could. Just finished watching "Rebound".. Martin Lawrence starrer.. a comedy one.. nice timepass.. Had a heavy lunch... it was a hindu meal.. and it had non-veg again.There was curd,gulab jamun,fruit salad,pepsi,icecream... huh. finished them all.. and feeling pretty heavy.There is somelady sitting beside me... wish it would be someone else.. i mean someone whom i can talk to but again.. there is this feeling that if i start cracking my jokes, then.. ok lets not get started on that. There are some hindi movies also to be watched.. eg: Kya kool hain hum.. the super hitmovie.. if i am unable to sleep,, then i will watch it.just another 4 hrs left before i touch down in melbourne city.My cousin would be waitin for me.. this is similar to a volvo bus journ...
The place where you wanna come leaving ur brains behind..