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My Journey to OZ Land - Part Trois

MH 199 KUL - MEL

got into a bigger flight this time as it was a 7.5 hrs journey. It was a boeing 777 thistime , but the seating looked similar to the 737 one. But this one had a TV set behind each seat.. so i could watch what i could. Just finished watching "Rebound".. Martin Lawrence starrer.. a comedy one.. nice timepass..

Had a heavy lunch... it was a hindu meal.. and it had non-veg again.There was curd,gulab jamun,fruit salad,pepsi,icecream... huh. finished them all.. and feeling pretty heavy.There is somelady sitting beside me... wish it would be someone else.. i mean someone whom i can talk to but again.. there is this feeling that if i start cracking my jokes, then.. ok lets not get started on that.

There are some hindi movies also to be watched.. eg: Kya kool hain hum.. the super hitmovie.. if i am unable to sleep,, then i will watch it.just another 4 hrs left before i touch down in melbourne city.My cousin would be waitin for me.. this is similar to a volvo bus journey.. am unable to stretch my legs.. :( am trying all kinds of postures here.. just dont wanna wake up the lady who is sleeping beside me..i will try sleeping now.. lets see how it goes.. until someone comes and offers me a snack or a drink.. hmm.. signing off for now.. will continue after some time.. or probably after i land in melb.. bye

it was 7.40 pm by the time i landed in melbourne... the city with its lights was gr8. it took me lotta time to get my baggage as i checked it in first at hyderabad.. now i had to wait ages to get it... saw everyone's bags on the conveyor belt... finally got mine and went to the custom's check. I was afraid they will ask me to remove all the food items i was carrying.. but luckily.. they dint.. i was carrying lotta snacks and pickels.. !!! :) :)
My cousin was waiting for me... good to see him after 2 yrs.. :). we took a bus to the place where he lives... a lady was driving that huge bus... felt weird.. but have to getused to all this.. :)
that was it.. i was in melbourne after 12 hrs of travel.. huh... called up home.. was relieved that it was a journey without any major hassles...
i am signing off on this note.. just wish i had more time to spend at the Kuala Lampur airport.. it was truly amazing.. dwarfing even the Melbourne airport in size and class............


rohini said…
hey gud one dat!!!

wel..i alwayz wanted to kno how ppl felt on their first International journey....

thanks for sharing tis wit us..ain't a bad narration :P...

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