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Love the games.. : Memoirs of a chaddi wala

disclaimer: wear your thinking shorts on ;)

when was the last time you invented a game..? oops or atleast played a game? there was a time when i played non stop from 4pm to 8-9 pm every evening and most of the games where tailored to our fancies. It was like... wearing a chaddi gave u a licence to create and alter the rules.

so, long long ago.. when i used to wear shorts day in and day out... there were a few games that i indulged in and let me try and remember some of those games and their rules.. wait a minute .. what rules? :)

game1: Chor police
The 'police' never catch the 'chor' and the game always ends with one of the parents looking for their kid and finding him before the police does. Moral: u can never fool mom.

game2: 'i spy' or hide'n'seek commonly called ispice,eyespyce or whatever..
fastest way to count to 100.. learn from the guy who has to find everyone.people hide in the lamest of places.. seriously what was i thinking while hiding in a ........ :D

game3: Four poles/corners
Running from one corner/pole to another and exchanging places with the person at the other end before the 'denner' can catch had an added flexibility of adding or removing a pole/corner based on no. of ppl :D

game4: Lingochha... scientific name: 7 stones
The first 30 mins of the game are lost in finding 7 good stones.Once the game starts, half of the time is lost in arranging the stones... now what was the actual aim of the game?? i enjoyed shouting "lingochha" anyways :)

game5: chain cut,cake cut... cut cut cut
Mad sprints in the arena.. and you would always want to catch a girl so that she can run along with you. worst part of the game is that sometimes 3 guys might have to hold hands together to catch another guy.! :O :D

game6: headtouch/legtouch
Not many people might have played these ones... i cant recollect them either.. lets call it quits.

game7: maarampeeti..
The most brutal game (comes close to kabaddi) of hitting people hard with a ball and its very dangerous.. cos when ball meets ball... (what were u thinking?? i meant eye ball..) u have to face the ire of the victims' parents. :P

can't recollect some of the other games.. and some other customised versions of the basic games. now if u ppl can recollect more of these.. do let me know :) and mind u, all of them should be games.. and not sports like cricket or baddy..

may be next time i can focus on rustic games like gilli danda and goli.. ;)

ps: games like "kitchen kitchen","mummy daddy","name place animal thing" etc will not be counted.send ur entries now. :)



Praveena said…
fullto laffings..
my entry:
game 8: help plus chain.!!
u are supposed to have even number of ppls in this game. one wld be the chaser.. the chaser has to go behind someone who is not as a pair with someone else.. n u guys were alwaz on a hunt to go catch a girls hand to be in a pair....:P :P
Unknown said…
hehe...that brogught a naughty smile on my face....hehe....

game 9: Tree Tree!!

there were three trees (sand heaps around) in front of a friends house....all of us got onto the tree branches....the denner has to hit us with a ball...whoever is hit has to drop dead on to the sand heap....heres the funny part....the third person to drop dead (talk abt rules!!!) is the next denner...haha

Ha hahahahahahaha...anup.. really good.. man i'm gonna borrow your copy rights for this.. wat say?? i am gonna use this in my blog
Unknown said…
anup wat abt current shock..typical galli game dont u think so
Unknown said…
Forgot about Char Palli!!!!!!!!
You draw a box with 4 equal squares in it, each square having a person or two. The Denner should walk on the borders of the square and keep an eye on the 4 stones placed in the centre of the box. The people inside the square should take the stones and gather in any one of the squares.....
.... A regular game which we used to play :-) :-)

- Swetha Gaddam
Kalp said…
We even had a couple of those::

1: One was called PHANDA PHUNDI....
On a pile of sand, there was a chaser who was to be tripped by the others using a rope.......I dont remember any of the other rules but we enjoyed rolling on the sand :D

2: The second was GOBAR BADI......There was a chaser and a group of people with sticks or branches of trees who were supposed to escape fom him......When "HE" came near you, the only way u could avoid being the next "IT" was by placing your stick on cow-dung, dog-shit, spit or anthing equally repulsive on the road itself.....If the chaser touches u without ur stick on such an object, u become the next chaser........i dont think anything can beat this game :P
Anonymous said…
Hello,nice post thanks for sharing?. I just joined and I am going to catch up by reading for a while. I hope I can join in soon.

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