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A f f i N I T I E ...!

43 distinguished years.. 3 serene lakes (still don't know which is the third one ).. 3 months spent here.. 3 tough papers in the module exams.. and 3 seconds before i end this worthless paragraph.. :O

Its been almost 100 days since I've come to this place and as some of you might be wondering why i haven't written what i do or have been doing all these days.. things really have moved at the pace of a 20-20 match and had my first sore finger in years cos of 1 week of physical torture called module exams.. :( The invigilator kept offering me additionals... but then everyone who wears spects and looks studious does not take 2 additionals :D

Apart from watching a zillion episodes of many series... i also tried my hand at playing football.. and playing in the rain was always a sure shot happening :) but as the ground was not maintained (thankfully it is now) there was waist high grass and for onlookers it looked like we were a herd of wild buffaloes migrating across the Serengeti.. i.e, while we chased the ball on the ground in the thick grass..

There were 2 freshers parties.. the second one was a return one.. but in both case Pareto's law worked brilliantly.. 20% of the ppl consumed 80% of the alcohol..! and ya in both cases the DJ was 4 degrees below pathetic :( .food vanished by the time the 3rd song finished.. :O

Talking of food... well there are 2 types of ppl in NITIE.. ppl who feel the mess food is bad.. and ppl who feel the food is very bad.. needless to say, the day food is good, people are generally in a good mood.. even if India lost a match due to bad umpiring decisions..

Few of the best moments at my stay in NITIE have come in front of the TV.. the T20 worldcup. the entire viewing lounge (that means 4 beds with mattresses gifted by Tipu sultan and that have not been dusted since..) would be filled with ppl irrespective of exams.. interviews. watever .. and we would collectively cheer,abuse.. celebrate, sulk... and destroy.!! we broke 2 beds in the anxiety to celebrate India's victory... thankfully we have an inventory of beds at our floor.. :)

It finally stopped raining here.. and after numerous "i lost my umbrella complaints" it feels nice to have the sun on your back.. although it means that the hankie will always be wet from sweat :O.Haven't seen much of mumbai yet.. except the most frequently used word in NITIE "Hiranandani"... well actually the most frequently used word here is the 4 lettered 'F' word...

Relax ppl... u judge me too fast... i meant "FART".. :P anyways, that was a leaf outta the book titled "My stay at NITIE". Will keep you posted with latest happenings in and around this place.. but the bottom line, its been fun to be a part of this commuNITIE.. :)

PS: NITIE has one of the most deadly roads leading to it.. and you might encounter roughly 23 cattle of different sizes,colours on the way... Holy cow! this place rocks.. :D


Praveena said…
good to the power of infiNITIE!!
kri8hna said…
Well, tell your people to upgrade from F to S...relax i meant 'shoot' :P

Good Luck, Have fun! Nice one...
Anonymous said…
Good one !!

How come out gults gangs outing didnt feature?

I hurted and what abt your E&Y?

rishri said…
One word I can think of, as of now is............WOW!!!!! I back Hemanth for his valuable inputs.Do consider them in ur next one.
Anonymous said…
gult gang's outing will be covered in the next volume.. had too much to cover..
and abt EY.. :D lite amma.. :)

thankses.. ya will keep in mind next time :)
Anonymous said…
as always your writups are khatarnaak... I am a big fan of it.
Kos said…
Rock on bro! funny how well u have captured these events ;)
Quicksilver said…
one day i shall write a post such as this one, hopefully abt NITIE only. nice this is.

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